Μάλιστα οι επιβάτες πτήσης προς Ελλάδα, παραλίγο να χάσουν τις διακοπές τους και μόλις την τελευταία στιγμή κατάφεραν να πάρουν τα διαβατήριά τους και να ταξιδέψουν.
Διαβάστε το απίστευτο ρεπορτάζ: Hundreds of Russians risk of losing their paid foreign tourist trips, as their passports with visas ready stuck in the cargo terminal of the airport "Sheremetyevo" because of the change of the main cargo operator.
This was on Thursday, September 3 told the press secretary of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT) Irina Turina. "According to the courier service" Fox Express "transports documents between consulates and visa centers, problems began late last week. Data Sheets obtained from the consulates and sent for delivery to "Sheremetyevo" on August 28, on the evening of September 1, still in the cargo terminal of the airport. Not just flew loads for visa centers in Samara, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar and other cities, "- she said. Tyurin added that the courier service has to transfer freight traffic from "Sheremetyevo" in "Domodedovo", and it takes time. On the verge of collapse had a flight from Perm group of tourists to Greece - 38.
"Miraculously managed to snatch their passports from" Sheremetyevo "and send representatives tour operators Coral Travel and Sunmar at the airport of Perm, just two hours before boarding a flight," - said a spokesman for the PCT.
According to her, an urgent translation of Russian domestic freight traffic from "Sheremetyevo" to other airports also reported in the DHL. Experts call center this courier yesterday warned customers whose origin went through Sheremetyevsky air hub, possible delays.
The culprit of the current situation, market participants freight company called "Moscow-Cargo", which was not ready for such a volume of work, although the tender for cargo handling in "Sheremetyevo" and "Aeroflot" it won in January 2015. "Problems have arisen at the airport after the change of the main operator of cargo handling. The twenty-fifth of August on the official website of "Sheremetyevo-Cargo" message appears on the termination on August 29, maintenance work cargo on domestic and international flights of "Aeroflot", which serves almost the entire cargo of the "Sheremetyevo" for Russia. Cargo tracking flights the airline transferred Ltd. "Moscow-Cargo" - said a spokesman for the PCT. She emphasized that the whole huge volume of postal and courier parcels was transferred from the cargo terminal "Sheremetyevo-Cargo" terminal "Moscow-Cargo".
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